15 years and running

Over the years we’ve been fortunate to earn the repeat business of thousands of customers, large - and small. It’s rare that a business is equally popular with companies and consumers, but LiftBrothers is that kind of company. Big businesses, small shops, and residential consumers all rely on LiftBrothers.


What's important to us

The best business advice we ever recieved was “Find the things that won’t change in your business and invest heavily in those things.”

So what are those things for us? 10 years from now people aren’t going to say “I wish our lift was slower and less reliable” or “I wish it took longer to get an answer from someone”, so we invest heavily in infrastructure, reliable lifts, and customer service.


Our Promise

We only work with the best lift manufactures available and provide a 3 year guarantee on all installations. We never compromise quality for time and give our clients realistic schedules that accommodate their lives. We strive for honest customer service, so contracts are only paid in full when the finished work is to your complete satisfaction.